Travel Directions

Traveling to Jameson Lake is straight-forward and does not require any special consideration. The main routes follow Interstates, state highways and paved county roads all the way to the site.



The roads are paved all the way into the Jameson lake location and passable by even large RV's.

Please note that there is a posted "DIP" not long after you turn onto Jameson Lake Road from Hwy 2 - THEY ARE SERIOUS ABOUT IT!

GPS Coordinates

Latitude 47° 40' 36.44" N (47.656)

Longitude 119° 37' 41.96" W (119.628)

These should be adequate for a map reference and travel directions for your GPS navigation system.
If you need more specific numbers for automated telescope data, you are advised to check one of the many websites on the Internet.